The video that published the project after one month build up in which I sent the box as a gift to 10 influential celebrities from Israel and the world, some related to the world of tattoos and some singers and actors. Everyone was asked to upload one story of the box CLOSED, and tag the studio. The concept of the video is an interrogation room where Avihoo, the owner and face of the Gida brand, is in a battle with the box. Trying to get information out of her about what is inside her, but not succeeding. At the end of the video there was a link to purchase the box with the copywriting- UNBOX THE MYSTERY NOW. 
Within 2 minutes, there were 2,673 hits to the site and all the boxes were purchased.
Product photo shoots
Product photo shoots
For the first time when I presented this project to the brand managers I made a presentation about the concept, then I was responsible for the entire production of the project. Finding suppliers, communicating with them, designing the box, the products inside, building the photography concept of everything, their photography and editing. And also, building the marketing strategy and managing the marketing on all the studio's platforms. 
I worked on the project for 12 months.

Shirts and hats, prints, socks, lighters and bags
It has no validity (like a tattoo) and can always be reloaded.

Me directing Avihoo for the big video

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